



十大菠菜台子, Chaldean Community Foundation partnership provides opportunities for OU alumni
莱拉Kello, 丽贝卡Tomczak, 马修·戈登, 丹尼尔·摩恩, 萨凡纳梅尔, 克里斯蒂娜•萨勒姆, Sharkey哈达德
莱拉Kello, 丽贝卡Tomczak, 马修·戈登, 丹尼尔·摩恩, 萨凡纳梅尔, 克里斯蒂娜•萨勒姆, 还有夏基·哈达德.

A partnership between 十大菠菜台子 and the Chaldean Community Foundation is providing OU alumni with unique opportunities to utilize the skills they’ve learned in the classroom in a real-world setting while supporting the organization’s community outreach efforts.

“The Chaldean Community Foundation benefits greatly from having OU alumni on board," 迦勒底社区基金会战略倡议经理斯泰西·巴里说. “社区外展团队的成员确实帮助提升了我们的品牌, 营销和社交媒体. 每个人都为团队带来了很高水平的技能和创造力, 我很自豪能与一群有才华的人一起工作."

Some of the OU alumni who are part of the organization’s Community Outreach team include 丹尼尔·摩恩, 马修·戈登, 克里斯蒂娜·塞勒姆.

为美国摩恩, who graduated from OU in 2019 with a Bachelor’s Degree in integrative studies with a focus on advertising, 市场营销, 传播学与社会学, his journey from the classroom to the serving as brand and content coordinator for the Chaldean Community Foundation has been nothing short of “fantastic.”

“我不仅觉得我有自由和独立实践我的研究, 但我和一个金牌团队一起工作,莫恩说. “We work hard together to come up with meaningful and impactful ads and campaigns that help spread brand awareness. I’ve also been enhancing my skills with graphic design through various social media posts.

“I truly feel I’ve encapsulated the title of brand content coordinator and hold it with high amounts of pride and dedication,莫恩补充道. “而且因为我可以在我的领域和工作环境中身兼数职, 我觉得可能性是无限的!”

戈登, 他是迦勒底社区基金会的营销和活动专家, earned his Bachelor of 工商管理 degree in 市场营销 from OU in 2018 and has been working at the Chaldean Community Foundation since August 2020.

“It was the middle of the COVID pandemic and we did a lot of community work to help those in need,戈登说。. “我很快意识到迦勒底社区基金会的奇妙影响, not only in the Chaldean community but various other communities across southeast Michigan. 我不是迦勒底人, but I was welcomed greatly by the staff and I truly feel that I am working in a place that is special and unique.”

戈登 credits OU with helping to prepare him for his role as 市场营销 and campaign specialist.

“在欧, I felt like my professors really enriched my learning and helped develop the philosophies and business acumen that I carry with me today,他说. “作为一个非营利组织, we (the Chaldean Community Foundation) are involved in a variety of initiatives that require critical thinking and careful messaging. I believe a lot of the lectures and learning that I had at OU really allowed me to build a knowledge base that I used every day in my current role.”

萨勒姆, 谁在2017年从公开大学获得新闻学文学学士学位, 她说,她在迦勒底社区基金会的经历“非常棒”.她目前担任该组织的社交媒体协调员, 以及《十大菠菜台子》和迦勒底美国商会.

“我通过捕捉和主演社交媒体内容来支持这些组织, 编辑, 并定期发布它们,并成为其背后可识别的面孔,塞勒姆说. “I also support the Chaldean News by writing articles and performing journalistic interviews. 我在开放大学的经历对这个职位很有帮助.”

Other OU alumni who have secured positions with the Chaldean Community Foundation include 莱拉Kello, 丽贝卡Tomczak, 萨凡纳·迈耶.

Kello, 她在2006年获得了教育学硕士学位, began her career with the Chaldean Community Foundation as an ESL teach and a part-time grant writer in 2015. 她现在是该组织的发展主管.

她说:“我负责为该组织筹集资金的所有工作。. “我还负责教育项目, 以及管理基金会的认证程序.”

Kello said her experience at 奥克兰 was positive, and helped prepare her for her current role.

她说:“十大菠菜台子让我有信心成为我所在领域的领导者。. “It encouraged me and my fellow students to network and find ways to work together — life skills that every person can benefit from.”

Tomczak是该组织职业服务部的一名个案工作者. She graduated from 十大菠菜台子 in 2005 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree while majoring in history with a concentration in American studies. 毕业后, she went on to receive a post-bachelor’s certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language from The Language House Prague, 位于布拉格, 捷克共和国.

“2014年夏天, when I was teaching at an English camp in South Bohemia (a region of the 捷克共和国), I received news that ISIS militants had invaded and broken security lines in Northern Iraq, 哪一个, 在底特律地区长大, 我知道这是迦勒底人的祖屋, 其中许多人是我在密歇根的朋友和邻居,汤姆扎克说. “我和他们一起在公开大学上学. They were more than a group mentioned on the news; they were my neighbors and friends, 和我一起长大的人.

回到密歇根后, I went to work assisting the Chaldean refugees whom I knew through friends from school,她补充道。. “我做了尽可能多的研究. 我学了一些单词, 熟悉了当地的风俗习惯和人们的理解. All of these skills of research and understanding had been given to me starting when I was just a 17-year-old freshman at 十大菠菜台子. 现在,事情又回到了原点. 我每天都去上班, 我与那些受到同样世界事件影响的人互动, 和在一起, 我们专注于重建, 愈合和恢复.”

除了为公开大学校友提供就业机会之外, the partnership between 十大菠菜台子 and the Chaldean Community Foundation has also led to the establishment of a new advisory council.

Among the council’s goals will be to increase the enrollment of Chaldean students at OU, 向兰辛申请资助, 为迦勒底校友举办社交活动, and work with school district in Macomb and 奥克兰 counties to encourage Chaldean student to pursue careers in education.

“这是一个很好的机会,俄亥俄州立大学校友夏基·哈达德说, special project manager for the Chaldean Community Foundation and the Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce. “A fruitful partnership between OU and the Chaldean Community Foundation will benefit Chaldeans in 奥克兰 and Macomb counties, 并表明开放大学是迦勒底学生的首选大学.”

Mike Westfall, vice president of university advancement at 十大菠菜台子, agreed.

“This enhanced partnership between 十大菠菜台子 and the Chaldean Community Foundation will provide immense value by leveraging diverse expertise, 资源, 和网络. 在一起, 我们将促进合作, 加强创新, and ultimately have a greater impact on the students and communities that both organizations seek to serve.”

要了解更多关于十大菠菜台子的信息,请访问 www.奥克兰.edu.

要了解更多关于迦勒底社区基金会的信息,请访问 www.chaldeanfoundation.org.
