


周一至周五——上午8点.m. 到5点.m.

GHC follows the OU calendar for holiday and emergency closings. 

The Health Center is located in the West Wing of the 葛培理健康中心 just north of Meadow Brook Theater.

Please arrive early enough for your appointment to find parking and get to GHC.

初秋和冬季学期是繁忙的时期, 正门附近的停车场很快就会被填满. 在这些繁忙的时候, motorists will find parking available in the temporary parking areas at Pioneer Drive and Squirrel Road, the Upper Fields and in the parking structure (P-29) across from Pawley Hall. 看到 map 对的位置.

同时, 散步是很好的体育活动. If you are feeling well enough, arrive early to find parking and walk to GHC.


  • By Michigan law, you must wear a face covering when inside GHC.
  • If you do not have a mask, please ask for one at the front desk.
  • Visitors will not be allowed in the exam room until after the initial evaluation is completed by the provider.
  • 新病人,请到我们的 病人门户 (see 病人门户 button on our home page) and update your personal information, upload an image of the front and back of your insurance card, 以及健康史. You are also asked to download, complete, and upload the Patient Registration form in the portal.
  • 为你的保险买单,你 必须 提供您的保险卡的复印件(正反面). This can be submitted via the portal (preferred) or you can email or fax an image to GHC at (248) 370-2691.
  • 为了避免我们的精神科医生的不出诊费, 请至少提前24小时取消预约.
  • 请阅读 患者的权利和责任 来访前.
  • All current part-time and full-time OU students and students from neighboring colleges.
  • 教师 and staff are eligible when they have work-related injuries or if they are ill.

GHC recognizes and supports patients’ rights to confidential medical care. The privacy of your medical information is important to us and we are committed to protecting it. It is necessary to create a record of the care and services you receive at GHC in order to provide you with quality care and to comply with certain legal requirements.

参见葛培理健康中心 私隐实务通知 了解更多信息.

If you are 18 years of age or older or an emancipated minor (defined under Michigan law as being married, 在武装部队服役或根据法院命令), your health records will be released only with your written consent.

If you are 16 years of age or older, all sexually-related health records are confidential. This includes sexually transmitted infections, contraception and pregnancy testing. These health records will be released only with your written consent.

  1. 所有记录请求都必须通过门户提交.
    1. If the request is for you, we do not need a release of information.
    2. If the request needs to be sent elsewhere, you must complete a release of information.
  2. 在门户网站上可以发布有关的信息. 填妥的表格可直接上载至门户网站.
  3. 当您有任何要求时,请在门户中发送通知.

Help your student make a healthy transition to college by taking the following steps.


  • Have a comprehensive health examination of your student completed 之前 they leave for college.
  • 在你的学生离开学校之前更新免疫接种. Students who are new to 十大菠菜台子 should provide an official copy of their full immunization record to the 葛培理健康中心. 如果你在密歇根出生长大, you can create an account and access your full immunization record from the 密歇根州护理改善登记处. 如果你不是当地居民, please contact your primary care provider for a copy of your immunization record.
  • 把你的免疫记录上传到格雷厄姆健康中心 病人门户 通过发送带有附件的安全消息.
  • 确保你的学生了解他/她的健康史. 登录到门户网站,输入您的病史. This will save time at future appointments and help us know about you when you come for an appointment!
  • Students should have a record of their prescriptions including doses and reason for medication. For students with chronic/serious medical problems, a physician summary should be provided to GHC.
  • 如果您的学生未满18岁,请填写 治疗同意书 表格提交给GHC,并上传到患者门户网站.


  • 更新任何处方药.
  • 准备一些药品带到学校.
  • You may arrange for allergy injections at GHC upon completion of the 过敏注射表格.


  • Inform your health insurance company that your student will be away at college, and inquire about the level of coverage in the Rochester area. Ask whether your plan reimburses for services at college student health centers.
  • Provide an insurance card or a photocopy (front and back) and encourage your student to carry it with him/her.
  • Discuss with your student when and how to use health insurance.


  • Identify available health resources on-campus with your student. For more information about 葛培理健康中心 and OU咨询中心 visit our websites.
  • If you think your child may use counseling services call the OU咨询中心 之前 school starts to talk to the psychologists and perhaps even set up a first appointment.
  • Be familiar with evening and weekend resources for emergencies.


  • 给你的学生准备一盒创可贴, 对乙酰氨基酚, 布洛芬, 感冒药, 数字温度计和化学冷袋.


  • 制定一个危机沟通计划来保持联系. 确定见面地点, as well as a contact person outside the local calling area (should direct communication be compromised).

If you have any questions or concerns about the accessibility of the content or documents on this page, 请浏览我们的 公众无障碍声明


提供高品质, cost effective health care and health education to the 十大菠菜台子 Community.


To be a readily accessible health resource that enables every student to thrive in mind, 他们在大学期间的身体和精神. We assist students in moving on to the next stage of their lives in optimal health and with the ability to reach their full potential.


  • 提供保健服务
  • 提供健康教育
  • 促进疾病预防


(248) 370-2341

You are encouraged to use the portal for refill requests (248) 370-2679


上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.
午餐时间12:30.m. - 1:30 p.m.